Returns & exchange policy
We are committed in ensuring your satisfaction with any product that you have purchased from Go Colors. However, if in an unlikely event you are not satisfied with your purchase, the below mentioned return / exchange policy is to be followed for store or website purchase respectively.
Return, Exchange, Offer, Cancellation & Refund Policy - Website
- Customer can initiate a cancellation request, till the order has not been shipped from our warehouse.
- Customer can initiate a cancellation / request by visiting the “My Orders” section of the account on website.
- In case of a purchase made by a customer using guest checkout, please create a account using the same e-mail ID & phone used at the time of placing the order. Upon logging in, customer can initiate a cancellation / return request under the "My Orders" tab of the account.
- In case of prepaid order product cancellation, refund will be initiated from our end within 7 working days to the source account.
- Please note, in order to return a product purchased from the website, the customer will have to handover the product to shipping partner with the bill copy, product with intact tags, packaging & in an unused / unaltered, saleable condition. This is applicable for all of the following points.
- Return of a product can be initiated by customers from 30 days of delivery of the product directly on the website or by mailing us at Online purchases during the EOSS period on EOSS articles are not eligible for returns & exchange.
- In case of prepaid order return, refund will be initiated to the source account within 7 working days after the product is picked up by our shipping partner from the customer.
- In case of COD order return, refund will be initiated within 7 working days after the product is picked up by our shipping partner from the customer & customer shares the bank account details of the refund to be initiated to.
- Products purchased through cannot be returned at the store.
- Product purchased through website can be exchanged at any Go Colors stores, subject to availability, within 30 days of the invoice & along with bill copy of the same with intact tags, packaging & in an unused / unaltered, saleable condition.
- Purchase of products on Go Colors website on discount / offer, only return can be initiated within 30 days of the delivery by mailing us at No exchange is allowed for discounted products.
- In case of manufacturing defect in products purchased on offer / promotion / discount, can be returned with 30 days of date of delivery only through website.
Return, Exchange, Offer, Cancellation & Refund Policy – Store
- Products purchased at Go Colors stores can only be exchanged within 30 days of the purchase & along with bill copy, intact tags, packaging & in unused / unaltered, saleable condition at any Go Colors stores for the same or higher value, by paying the difference.
- Merchandise of one invoice cannot be exchanged more than once.
- Products purchased at the store cannot be exchanged or returned through the website.
- Refund will be only be initiated, if requested product is not available for exchange & the purchase is made within 30 days of raising an exchange request.
- Store reserves the right to decide the usage & wash condition of the product upon inspection.
Please note:
- Returns for purchase of any products purchased through third party merchants, online marketplaces or stores will not be entertained by the brand.
- You can reach out to the respective third party who would be able to help you their return policy.
- Please do not accept the delivery of any item from the courier/delivery person, if you feel that the outer packaging is damaged / tampered with. Please mail or call our customer care team at or 1800-123-9953 for replacement, immediately.
- Go Fashion (India) Limited reserves the right to change or modify any of it’s policies at any given point of time.